Final Preview To achieve this effect, follow the steps. Step1 Take a new canvas size 600x600 pixel, Resolution 150 ppi, color mode RGB. Step 2 Fill your canvas with jet black color. Shift + F5 for this window, it will help you to fill foreground color in your canvas. Step 3 After filling your background with black color take Vertical TYPE tool from type menu. Step 4 Now type 0101010101 with white color. Step 5 Now change text color to green. color code is 66cc66 Step 6 Now go to filter - blur- motion blur. one window will open, it will ask to rasterize your text layer, click OK to rasterize your layer. Step 7 Motion blur distance 24 pixel. Step 8 Now take a new layer with CTRL + SHIFT + N . Give a name a text layer. Myself type matrix. Step 9 After typing matrix, I applied outer glow, text should be white in color. take a copy with matrix layer ( CTRL +J) and rasterize it ...